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Date Created1911-06-15
DescriptionConfirms arrival of material for new edition of Corea sent by Griffis. Discusses issues in the publication process including a map that cannot be published and new material for the cover of the book.
Date Created1911-10-04
DescriptionConfirms sending of Missionary magazine containing missionary addresses.
Date Created1895-02-12
DescriptionNewspaper article.
Date Created1918-12-13
DescriptionDenies Griffis' publication request for a new edition of Corea. Suggests that the new edition will not sell favorably (also states issues of history due to the absorbtion of Korea into the Japanese...
Date Created1894-01-31
DescriptionExpresses inabillity to confirm “the date and the place of the meeting Commodore Kennedy with the Korean [Mandarin?]. Refers Griffis to the Department of Mr. Roberts and to the Navy Log Books of...
Date Created1911-10-02
DescriptionConfirms Griffis' request for a review copy of Longford's Story of Korea.
Date Created1894-02-01
DescriptionInforms Griffis that the Korean student Pak was a member of the Korean staff at the World's Fair, but is unable to confirm Pak's religious affiliations.
Date Created1911-08-21
DescriptionConfirms sending of the new edition of Corea:The Hermit Nation that was just published.
Date Created1896-12-14
DescriptionProvides a few notes on the present Korean Government.
Date Created1916-01-31
DescriptionDiscusses books and personal events.