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Date Created1981
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
Date Created1981
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
Date Created1981
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
Date Created1980
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
Date Created1980
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
AuthorKennedy, John F.
Date Created1961
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later the Borough of Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban Jewish garment workers, many of...
Date Created1960-1969
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...
AuthorDrasin, Boris
Date Created1939
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later renamed the Borough of Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban Jewish garment workers,...
AuthorOsborne, James D.
Date Created1976
DescriptionThis paper by James D. Osborne, a New Jersey Historical Commission grant recipient, is from 'New Jersey's Ethnic Heritage: Papers Presented at the Eighth Annual New Jersey History Symposium, December...
Date Created1940
DescriptionJersey Homesteads (later Roosevelt) was established in the 1930s as an agro-industrial cooperative community. It was established specifically for urban, Jewish garment workers, many of whom had...