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Date Created1996
DescriptionAn annotated copy of Senate Bill No. 349: an Act concerning the regulation of hazardous substances, amending P.L.1983. c383, and amending and supplementing P.L.1983, c.315.
AuthorEngler, Rick
Date Created1992
DescriptionA report on the nation's first state labor/environmental ''right-to-act" legislative campaign to win new rights for workers and neighbors to prevent toxic and other hazards. This report documents the...
Date Created1993-04-02
DescriptionA series of documents which chronicle the opposition to proposed legislation to repeal the New Jersey Right to Know Law.
Date Created1986-04-08-1988-08
DescriptionA series of letters and documents which detail the enforcement efforts of the Right to Know Act in New Jersey dated between 1986 and 1988.
Date Created1990
DescriptionA guide to chemical hazards and health & safety in the workplace.
Date Created2001-12-17
DescriptionThis document contains presentation slides, survey materials, and fact sheets, relating to firefighters use of right to know information.
Date Created1986
DescriptionThis document contains a press release, checklist, report, and poster related to employers and hazard communication standards.
Date Created1985-04-30
DescriptionThis document contains statement letters from fire fighters concerning the New Jersey Community Right-to-Know Act.
Date Created1985
DescriptionA collection of newspaper clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law from the year 1985.
Date Created1990-1993
DescriptionA collection of press clippings concerning the Community Right to Know Law form the years 1990 to 1993.