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Date Created1952
DescriptionReady to start the day at Seabrook Farms Day Camp with the flag salute. PIcture taken on 1952.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1952
DescriptionInstructor telling audience what to expect for the evening at Seabrook Farms Day Camp, 1952. Pictured children inlcude Miiko Sasaki (eyes closed), Dickie Okamoto (hands on hat), Danny Ishuin (looking...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1956
DescriptionThis photo was taken by Carl Holm at the camp site.
Date Created1956
DescriptionYoung boys at Parvin State park with their leaders, one of which is Chuck Koyanagi, Jr., in white sailor hat.
Date Created1950
DescriptionChildren from Seabrook Farms ready for a formal picture. Children pictured here include: Row 1: Scott Nagao, Dave Taguwa, Gene Fujimoto Row 2: Koko Yamashiro Row 3: Dean Taguwa Row 4: Gayle...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)