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Date Created1876
DescriptionSepia photograph of Ellis A. Apgar, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1874-1879.
Date Created1944
DescriptionThe front view of the Seabrook Farms Community house and Housing Department. The photograph was taken in 1944.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1805
DescriptionCopy of original English charter, made at the time of the incorporation of the Associates of the Jersey Company - the body which would found Jersey City. In the 1688 Charter, the new English Governor...
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861), Colonization and Settlement (1585-1763)
Date Created1944-03-04
DescriptionAs of 1944-03-04, the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark, New Jersey was actively engaged in the development of a comprehensive master plan for the city of Newark and in the preparation of a...
Date Created1960-1969
DescriptionIn this press release, the New Jersey Committee for Modernization of U.S. Immigration Law expresses its belief that the immigration laws of the time were too restrictive and outdated. After outlining...
Date Created1907
DescriptionBenjamin Franklin Howell (1844-1933) was a member of Congress from New Jersey. While in Congress, he served on the Immigration Commission Subcommittee on Northern Italy, which traveled around Europe,...
Date Created1945
DescriptionThis pamphlet was issued to help prepare the public in the United States for the reintegration of the Japanese Americans who had been placed in relocation camps during World War II. It describes a...
Date Created1953
DescriptionPhotograph of the American Booksellers Association Board of Directors giving a presentation to President Eisenhower at the White House, 1953. Charles Reed is third from the right and is mostly...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1953
DescriptionPhotographs of the American Booksellers Association Board of Directors giving a presentation to President Eisenhower at the White House, 1953. Charles Reed is third from the right and is mostly...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1913
DescriptionProgram for unveiling of statue of Peter Stuyvesant (Director-General of New Netherland) in Bergen Square, Saturday October 18, 1913. With picture of statue and transcription of inscriptions on base,...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)