TitleEgg Harbor City High School Class of 1938
NameCasciano, Nick (depicted), Engelhardt, Dolly (depicted), Jerue, Henry (depicted), Green, Pauline (depicted), Gehringer, Korky (depicted), Theis, Linda (depicted), Houghy, Everett (depicted), Grunow, Viola (depicted), Kaenzig, Wally (depicted), Gorbig, Evelyn (depicted), Gabriel, Howard (depicted), Jacobi, Johanna (depicted), Wolf, Alfred (depicted), Gaupp, Julia (depicted), Vettese, Anthony (depicted), Llewelyn, Helen (depicted), Schmidt, Joe (depicted), Nehr, Bob (depicted), Doernbach, Walter (depicted), Urban, Margaret (depicted), Sauer, Louis (depicted), McAnn, Betty (depicted), Staiger, Paul (depicted), Bounds, Alice (depicted), Angerman, Clinton (depicted), Filling, Alma (depicted), Hemphill, Arthur (depicted), Genicola, Elvira (depicted), Harris, Dewey (depicted), Weber, Marion (depicted), Dickerson, Midred (depicted), Marzo, Edward (depicted), Price, Bertye (depicted), Beery, William (depicted), Oberst, Doris (depicted), Winkler, Charles (depicted), Shur, Dorothy (depicted), Berggoetz, Carl (depicted), Kidd, Louise (depicted), English, Bill (depicted), Butterling, Dorothy (depicted), Cavileer, Horace (depicted), Samuelson, Johanna (depicted), Kelly, Robert (depicted), Henderson, Florence (depicted), Mohr, Joseph (depicted), Kuehnle, Helen (depicted), Cramer, Norris (depicted), Cavileer, Janet (depicted), Hall, Warren (depicted), Kaiser, Elaine (depicted), Lashley, Jack (depicted), Schirmer, Nellie (depicted), Imperatore, Willie (depicted), Suenderhauf, Doris (depicted), Angerman, Henry (depicted), Falck, Olivia (depicted), Doernbach, Helen (depicted)
Date Created1938
DescriptionEgg Harbor High School class of 1938. Egg Harbor City, NJ. This photograph was possibly taken in the high school auditorium as indicated by the banner hanging.
Front row: Nick Casciano, Dolly Engelhardt, Henry Jerue, Pauline Green, Korky Gehringer, Linda Theis, Everett Houghy,Viola Grunow, Wally Kaenzig, Evelyn Gorbig, Howard Gabriel, Johanna Jacobi, Alfred Wolf, Julia Gaupp, Anthony Vettese.
Row two: Helen Llewelyn, Joe Schmidt, Bob Nehr, Walter Doernbach, Margaret Urban, Louis Sauer, Betty McAnn, Paul Staiger, Alice Bounds, Clinton Angerman, Alma Filling, Arthur Hemphill, Elvira Genicola, Dewey Harris, Marion Weber (?0
Row three: Mildred Dickerson, Edward Marzo, Bertye Price, William Beery, Doris Oberst, Charles Winkler, Dorothy Shur, Carl Berggoetz, Louise Kidd, Bill English, Dorothy Butterling, Horace Cavileer, Johanna Samuelson, Robert Kelly.
Row four: Florence Henderson, Joseph Mohr, Helen Kuehnle, Norris Cramer, Janet Cavileer, Warren Hall, Elaine Kaiser, Jack Lashley, Nellie Schirmer, Willie Imperatore, Doris Suenderhauf, Henry Angerman, Olivia Falck, Helen Doernbach.
Genrelocal histories
CollectionEgg Harbor City Historical Society Photographs
Organization NameEgg Harbor City Historical Society
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