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Date Created2005-2006
DescriptionInformation about fact sheets and surveys related to the Right to Know Act. Inclues an email conversation between Rick Engler and Richard Willinger on Right to Know survey data, information on...
Date Created1982-10-06
DescriptionTranscript of the public hearing held before the Senate Energy and Environment Committee on the Worker and Community Right to Know Act. It also identifies all of the speakers present at the hearing.
Date Created1976-1979
DescriptionDocuments related to the Campaign for Occupational Health and Safety Administration Standard. Included are letters and petitions for employers to make known to employees the names of the chemicals...
Date Created1996-12
DescriptionThis report summarizes the 1994 chemical inventory and environmental release, off-site transfer, facility throughput and pollution prevention information reported by New Jersey companies pursuant to...
Date Created1993-01-14
DescriptionMessage from Rick Engler to Assemblyman Robert Shinn with attached documents related to the January 1991 proposal by Governor Florio. The attached documents summarize why Governor Florio decided not...
Date Created2006-03-08, 2006-04-10
DescriptionDocuments related to the meeting between Commissioner Fred M. Jacobs, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services and representative from the New Jersey Work Environment Council. It includes...
Date Created1996-05-30, 1993
DescriptionA chart summarizing Right to Know county lead agency activity reports including information on surveys received, calls received, requests for information, employers contacted, and inspections by...
Date Created1990-1995
DescriptionCorrespondence between Rick Engler and several government representatives, mainly commissioners from the Department of Health, concerning the Worker and Community Right to Know Act. Most letters...
Date Created1991-1996
DescriptionCorrespondence regarding the Worker and Community Right to Know Act and Right to Know Program. Several letters are between Richard Willinger (Right to Know Program Manager) and Rick Engler regarding...
Date Created1986-1987
DescriptionDocuments related to the implementation of the Worker and Community Right to Know Act and education and outreach programs. It includes several letters between Right to Know Project representatives and...