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Date Created1999
DescriptionI saw this design in a hotel on a weekend visiting the Amish country. I sketched the pattern on a napkin during breakfast thinking it would be a fun design to hand quilt.
DescriptionA gift to my mother, Helen Ortoleva Rachiele Mitchell
Date Created1836
Date Created2014
DescriptionThis was my first attempt at a quilt. I'd collected pretty fabrics from Rock, Paper, Scissors in town and saw a sample in the store of the plus sign pattern. I thought that'd be easy to try. I used...
Date Created2015
Date Created2002
DescriptionSeminole quilts were constructed in strips rather than blocks. The intricate pieced strips were often added to clothing i.e. shirts and hems.
Date Created1920-1929
DescriptionPossibly made by my great grandmother or her aunt. This quilt was given to me by my great uncle Thomas Gregory, my maternal grandmother's brother. He found a few quilts in the attic and gave me the ...
Date Created2016
DescriptionI love batiks. This was a block of the month quilt, so I decided to make it. I don't usually like traditional blocks but I made an exception.
Date Created2001
DescriptionWe had a retreat in September 2000 in PA and the theme of the weekend was Motown Block Party. We played all of the Motown music that weekend and it was so much fun.
Date Created2012