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Date Created1950
DescriptionWhere we ate many a free mell until we were established, thanks to CF Seabrook.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionWhere we ate many a free meal until we were established, thanks to Charles F. Seabrook.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionFarm houses at Seabrook Farms in the winter with icicle laden telephone wires.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionVolunteers begin to wash dishes after food was served to victims of a recent flood at Delaware Bay. The Seabrook Farms Community House was used as a shelter during flood relief efforts.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionOne of the flood victims and her baby recieve shelter, warmth and food. The Seabrook Farms Community House was used as a shelter during flood relief efforts.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1949
DescriptionMayor and friend in front of the train "Spirit of 1776," carrying war memorabilia. Picture taken on January 14, 1949.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1951
DescriptionCharles Nagao of JACL helping Taki Sakamoto at Seabrook Farms to reclaim some of the losses accrued during the mass hysteria. Thanks to the Evacuation Claims Bill (HR3999) claims were not to exceed...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1935
DescriptionAdvanced Drawing Club, experiment in mural painting - Newark history mural with three club members working. Pictured are Henry Brzizichi, Beatrice LeBlanc, and Anthony Nowselski.
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)