DescriptionFrances Enseki, Sachi Honda and other girl scouts from Seabrook Farms getting Christmas seals ready to mail. Picture taken on October 11, 1952.
DescriptionFrances Enseki, Sachi Honda and other Girl
Scouts from Seabrook Farms getting Christmas seals ready to mail. Picture taken on October 11, 1952.
DescriptionListening to teacher before lunch time at Seabrook Farms Day Camp, 1952. Pictured here are Dickie Okamoto (striped t-shirt), Ronnie Yoshida (with lunch box). In the middle of the photo: Judy...
DescriptionIntermediate group shows how to tap and dance at Seabrook Farms. The future "Rockettes." Children pictured include Frances Enseki, Eleanor Kihara, Kimi Nakashima, Irene and Pauline Nagao, Lucille...