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Date Created1993
Date Created1997-2000
DescriptionThis was my very first quilt. It was made to celebrate my husband's 65th birthday and has photos of 4 generations of my husband's immediate family. I used 3 different techniques on the photos until I...
Date Created1884
DescriptionMy great grandmother Lulu started this quilt in 1884 when she was ten. I used to sit on her bed on top of the quilt while she taught me about healing herbs.
Date Created2014
DescriptionI used to live in the world and then I moved to HARLEM and my universe is now six blocks… Lady in Blue features Harlem landmarks and themes. The label on the back includes the names of celebrities...
Date Created2014
DescriptionDessert challenge Life is short, eat dessert first . Inspired by the beloved children's book On Market Street by Anita and Arnold Lobel, this quilt highlights delectable desserts.
Date Created2014
DescriptionThis quilt was inspired by the improvisational quilts of Gee's Bend, Alabama.
Date Created2010
DescriptionThe Guild Challenge was to use 2 given fabrics to make 2 12 inch blocks (identical). One to be given to the guild and one for ourselves. This quilt is how I extended my block to make a full quilt. The...
Date Created1999
DescriptionGold Leaf reflects how simple shapes combine to dramatic effect.
Date Created2014
DescriptionThis quilt was inspired by the quilts of Gee's Bend, Alabama.
Date Created2015
DescriptionThis was a challenge project. A wall hanging that either depicts a form of oppression or reflects freedom from oppressive conditions. My pieces were copied and blown up, and fused to different...