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Date Created1926
DescriptionWorkmen digging up the road on the corner of Belmont Ave and Burhans Street on the Paterson and Haledon border. Photographed October 2, 1926, by H.B.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1950
DescriptionBelford Seabrook, eldest son of Charles F. Seabrook, was in charge of all Seabrook Farms plant construction.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1935-11
DescriptionA worker in a hat is reaching with his right hand up to the crane hook to attach a cable. Source: Farm Security Administration, Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1936-11
DescriptionThe photograph shows men working on the roof of house under construction, Jersey Homesteads. Source: Farm Security Administration, Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1827
DescriptionWages statement : Rough draft ledger listing workers, time worked and wages for work on the Paterson Plank Road. Also notes on some other costs.
Time PeriodExpansion and Reform (1801-1861)
Date Created1950
DescriptionSeabrook Farms Head of Construction, Bill DeSantis.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionConstruction work on one of the buildings at Seabrook Farms.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionBuilding addition to either the cold storage warehouse or carton storage warehouse at Seabrook Farms.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionStrips of wood placed on concrete slabs for floor boarding to be nailed into place at the Gunnison Villages houses at Seabrook Farms.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionReroofing main plant building at Seabrook Farms.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)