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Date Created1975-01-31
DescriptionThis is one (1974) in an annual series of reports from the Newark Department of Recreation and Parks. The purpose of this report is to: 1. provide greater coordination of the recreational and cultural...
Date Created1944-03-04
DescriptionAs of 1944-03-04, the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark, New Jersey was actively engaged in the development of a comprehensive master plan for the city of Newark and in the preparation of a...
Date Created1991-12-5-1991-12-16
AuthorEngler, Rick; DePalma, Anthony; Kalik, Barbara Faith; Tollerson, Ernest; Warshaw, Donald; Scherzer, Eric; Fink, David; Freedman, Lewis; Breslin, Patrick; Wagner, Dodie Murphy; Sullivan, Joseph F.; Johnson, Tom; Diemer, Joe; Hanley, Robert; Horvitz, Paul
Date Created1983-08-1983-12
DescriptionPress clippings and releases dated August-December, 1983.