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Date Created1911-06-15
DescriptionConfirms arrival of material for new edition of Corea sent by Griffis. Discusses issues in the publication process including a map that cannot be published and new material for the cover of the book.
Date Created1918-12-13
DescriptionDenies Griffis' publication request for a new edition of Corea. Suggests that the new edition will not sell favorably (also states issues of history due to the absorbtion of Korea into the Japanese...
Date Created1911-10-02
DescriptionConfirms Griffis' request for a review copy of Longford's Story of Korea.
Date Created1911-08-21
DescriptionConfirms sending of the new edition of Corea:The Hermit Nation that was just published.
Date Created1884-02-23
DescriptionConfirms Griffis' request to publish a cheaper version of Corea at a later time. Accepts Griffis' plans that may aid a larger book.
Date Created1904-05-07
DescriptionProposes changes to Corea in order to publish a new edition. The suggestions include substituting chps. 49 & 50, consolidating the content of these chapters, a new single preface, and a plan to...
Date Created1897-01-20
DescriptionAccepts Griffis' offer to provide a supplementary chapter, new preface, and revised index for a new edition of Corea. Provides suggested revisions to certain paragraphs and proposes manuscript...
Date Created1906-09-08
DescriptionRequests Griffis to send material for the proposed new edition of Corea. Informs Griffis that the stock of the book is low, and that new material will allow them to print the new edition.
Date Created1903-02-05
DescriptionEncloses semi-annual sales report for Corea. Explains finances involved in printing a new edition.
Date Created1906-10-25
DescriptionRequests Griffis to send material for the proposed new edition of Corea.