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Date Created1950
DescriptionGene "Knocker" Nakata showing children at the Seabrook Farms Child Care Center how to mix paints for murals as "Charko" Nakamura (at far right in the front row), Irene and Kay Ichinaga look on.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950
DescriptionGene "Knocker" Nakata mixes paints for a mural on the wall of the nursery school (Seabrook Farms).
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created1950-1959
Description"Knocker" showing children how to mix paints for mural as "Charko" looks on.
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
Date Created2002
DescriptionIt's a mix of various authentic African textiles.
Date Created1977
DescriptionThis is a poster advertising a Scandinavian festival that was to occur on Saturday, September 17, 1977 at the Garden State Arts Center. The poster features pictures of various entertainers that were...
Date Created2011-11-16
DescriptionThis is a portrait of Grant Harris, owner of Cowtown Rodeo and Cowtown Flea Market. It was created as a part of the You're U.S. project (http://youreus.com/). Created by Emile Klein, You’re U.S. is...
Date Created2011-11-16
DescriptionAn interview with Grant Harris, owner of Cowtown Rodeo and Cowtown Flea Market in NJ. This interview is a part of the You're U.S. project (http://youreus.com/). Created by Emile Klein, You’re U.S....