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DescriptionColor postcard of Kirkpatrick Chapel, located at George and Somerset Streets, postmarked April 8, 1911. When the Sophia Astley Kirkpatrick Memorial Chapel was constructed in 1873, its young architect,...
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1869
DescriptionLot plan and guide map for Plainfield, N.J. Advertised lots are bounded by Lane Avenue and Brooklyn Avenue (east-west) and Alletia Street and Carriejo Street (north-south). One hundred and thirty...
Time PeriodCivil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)
Date Created1927-02-17-1927-03-06
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1988-10-16-1988-12-31
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1942-01-06-1942-01-26
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1941-01-07-1941-01-27
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1925-03-01-1925-03-14
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1944-04-12-1944-04-30
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1943-04-05-1943-04-24
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...
Date Created1937-01-25-1937-02-10
DescriptionThe National Association of Women Artists (NAWA) was established in 1889 and is the oldest professional women's fine arts organization in the United States. NAWA's mission is to promote awareness of,...