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Date Created1907
DescriptionBenjamin Franklin Howell (1844-1933) was a member of Congress from New Jersey. While in Congress, he served on the Immigration Commission Subcommittee on Northern Italy, which traveled around Europe,...
Date Created1916
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1906
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1907
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1905
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1913
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1918
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1912
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1917
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1869
DescriptionThis report describes original Act of the Newark Aqueduct Board from 1869.