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Date Created1926
DescriptionThis bulletin is published to help municipal and county Shade Tree Commissions and those who wish to maintain vigorous, attractive trees on their properties. Few people realize that any tree standing...
Date Created1977
DescriptionThe fishing industry in the United States, and in particular the North Atlantic component of the industry, did not fully participate in the technological development of American industry of the...
Date Created1959-04
DescriptionThe City of Newark is presently engaged in ambitious urban renewal activities for the revitalizing or rebuilding of existing deteriorating and blighted conditions. During Newark's three hundred years...
Date Created1911
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1908
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1909
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1913
DescriptionThe contents of this volume include: suggested improvements in the City Plan; Municipal Decorative Improvements; Street Widths and Arrangement; Harbor Development; The Market Problem; Trolley...
Date Created1910
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1915
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...
Date Created1914
DescriptionA yearly series of reports from the Newark Shade Tree Commission which covers planting, care, and inventory of shade trees in the city of Newark, New Jersey. Other topics include maintenance, insect...