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Date Created1944
DescriptionDescription of proposed addition to Bergen Reformed Church, and an appeal for funds. Illustrated with blueprints of the three floors. With list of members of memorial committees. Rev. Lamont Thomas,...
Date Created1910
DescriptionStatistics and treasurer's reports for 1909/1910. Lists of consistory and committee members, as well as choir and staff of Sunday School. Schedule of offerings for the upcoming year.
Time PeriodThe Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Date Created1938
DescriptionSons of Pericles Basketball/Dance Journal, c. 1938. Courtesy of Tom Demery (Tassos Dermousis) Basketball and Dance sponsored by Corinthian Chapter 20. Newark, New Jersey to be held on Sunday, January...
Time PeriodThe Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
Date Created1978
DescriptionIn order to raise funds for construction of an expansion to the religious school in Plainfield, Temple Sholom created this pamphlet to solicit donations. It includes floor plans for the expanded...
Time PeriodContemporary America (1968-present)
AuthorVersteeg, Dingman
Date Created1889
DescriptionHistory of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen, which served the colonial populations of what is now Hudson and Bergen counties as well as Staten Island. Describes growth of the church in economic...
Time PeriodColonization and Settlement (1585-1763), Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820)
Date Created1901
DescriptionIn 1897, Thomas A. Edison designed and built the first Projecting Kinetoscope. Edison’s Kinetoscope was capable of projecting moving film images. Prior to the development of the Projecting...
Date Created1953
DescriptionThis is a report on a self-survey of the Housing Committee in the early 1950s. This report demonstrates the problems within the African American community in Trenton, New Jersey, including real...
Date Created1950-1959
DescriptionPamphlet prepared and distributed by the New Jersey Council of Churches dealing with efforts to aid migrant farm workers in the state.
AuthorTaussig, Helen
Date Created1930
DescriptionThe Council for Human Services in New Jersey, formerly known as the New Jersey Conference of Social Work, was an umbrella group for social welfare agencies and social workers in the state. In this...
AuthorHall, Bolton
Date Created1930
DescriptionThis introduction, written by Bolton Hall, was included in the event program for the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Free Acres. Free Acres was inspired by Henry George, who believed that...