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AuthorSchachter, Leon B.
Date Created1945
DescriptionThis is a report on the efforts of the Meat and Cannery Workers Union combined with the efforts of the Migrant and Child Labor Committee of the Consumers' League of New Jersey, the Women's Bureau of...
Date Created1964
DescriptionThese pages from a pamphlet entitled "Byelorussians in New Jersey" provide information about a Belarusan Day program in New Jersey and contains a section relating to the history of Belarusans in New...
Date Created1883
AuthorThompson, John Bodine
Date Created1892
Date Created1876
DescriptionThe year reviewed in New Brunswick's oldest church - The political crisis - Gravity of the situation - The financial condition - Courage of the people - Our church the pioneer - Her ministry - The...
Date Created1927
DescriptionIncludes schedule of services, the consistory, and financial reports,
Date Created1885
DescriptionThe 1885 yearbook for the First Reformed Church of New Brunswick, N.J. Includes pastors report; summary of membership; births and deaths; finances; information on Sabbath School; and suggestions from...
Date Created1917
AuthorEaston, Thomas Chalmers
Date Created1881
Date Created1889
DescriptionThe 1889 guide to the First Reformed Church of New Brunswick, NJ. Contents include a list of former pastors, Consistory, schedule of services, a report on the state of the Church, list of current...