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AuthorTruumees, Vallo
Date Created1950-1956
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Estonian Vallo Truumees recalls his role in the Vietnam War. After immigrating to Seabrook in 1950 and finishing high school 6 years later, he was sent to Vietnam as an...
Time PeriodPostwar Years (1945-1970)
AuthorRitchey, Hazel Okino
Date Created1994
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Hazel Okino Ritchey remembers her mother, Alice Oda Okino. After Hazel's family moved to Seabrook from the Arkansas camp they were interned at, her mother began teaching...
AuthorTsufura, Satoru
Date Created1945-1946
DescriptionAlthough Satoru Tsufura only lived at Seabrook for a year, he still contributed to Seabrook's reputation of producing outstanding athletes. In fact, Sat was the only 4-letter athlete in his graduating...
AuthorSasho, Tei
Date Created1945-1948
DescriptionIn this "I remember" memoir, Tei Sasho recalls how he was invited to Seabrook to assist Dick Kunishima with establishing and running a grocery store, a cafeteria, and a baseball team. Mr. Sasho...