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AuthorEngler, Rick
Date Created1992
DescriptionA report on the nation's first state labor/environmental ''right-to-act" legislative campaign to win new rights for workers and neighbors to prevent toxic and other hazards. This report documents the...
Date Created1993-04-02
DescriptionA series of documents which chronicle the opposition to proposed legislation to repeal the New Jersey Right to Know Law.
Date Created1982-1987
DescriptionA series of documents detailing the hazard communication standards that were related to the Community Right to Know Program enacted by New Jersey
AuthorEngler, Rick
Date Created1998-01-09
DescriptionA report titled "Progress and Problems: 1997 Whitman Administration Policy on the Right to Know about Chemical Hazards in the Workplace and Community" and related attachments.
Date Created1999-04-1999-10
DescriptionA series of reports from 1999 put out by the Department of Health and Senior services which outline the inspection efforts required to uphold the Right to Know Law and the number of violations that...
Date Created1990-05-04
DescriptionA series of legislative amendments that were proposed to alter the New Jersey Right to Know Law.
Date Created1998
DescriptionThis addendum is being provided as additional guidance to newly added industries. This document is intended to compliment existing guidance materials for use in clqrifying EPCRA . section 313...
Date Created1951
DescriptionThis F.B.I. memo discusses the information given by an unnamed informant regarding possible Communist Party activity in the Farmingdale, Lakewood and Toms River areas of New Jersey. The memo describes...
AuthorAines, Ronald O.
Date Created1959
Description'During the late summer and fall of 1958, a research study of the total cost of Puerto Rican farm workers to New Jersey farmers was carried out by the Department of Agricultural Economics. A large...
Date Created1940
DescriptionThe Bureau of Service to the Foreign Born, founded in 1917 and conducted by the Newark Section, National Council of Jewish Women, provided aid to immigrants and aliens, especially information and...