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Date Created1888
DescriptionThis report describes the condition of the Newark Aqueduct as submitted to the Aqueduct Board in 1888. The report also describes grade changes, pip upgrades and operation statistics.
Date Created1878
Date Issued1878
DescriptionThis report describes the condition of the Newark Aqueduct as submitted to the Aqueduct Board in 1874. The report also describes grade changes, pip upgrades and operation statistics.
Date Created1889
DescriptionThis report describes the condition of the Newark Aqueduct as submitted to the Aqueduct Board in 1889. The report also describes grade changes, pip upgrades and operation statistics.
AuthorBailey, Geo. H.; Ward, J. B.
Date Issued1876-12-01
DescriptionReport of the condition and operation of the Water Works.
AuthorBailey, G. H.; Ward, J. B.
Date Issued1875-12-01
DescriptionReport of the condition and operation of the Water Works.
Date Created1874-12-01
DescriptionThis report describes the condition of the Newark Aqueduct as submitted to the Aqueduct Board in 1874. The report also describes grade changes, pip upgrades and operation statistics.
Date Created2001-12-01
DescriptionThis Annual Report from the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office highlights the office's activities during 2001. During the year, the Historic Preservation Office spearheaded the formulation of a...
Date Created1944-03-04
DescriptionAs of 1944-03-04, the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark, New Jersey was actively engaged in the development of a comprehensive master plan for the city of Newark and in the preparation of a...
Date Created2000-12-01
DescriptionThis Annual Report from the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office highlights the office's activities during 2000. These activities include starting the Women's Heritage Trail survey in conjunction...
Date Created1926
DescriptionThis bulletin is published to help municipal and county Shade Tree Commissions and those who wish to maintain vigorous, attractive trees on their properties. Few people realize that any tree standing...