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Date Created1944-03-04
DescriptionAs of 1944-03-04, the Central Planning Board of the City of Newark, New Jersey was actively engaged in the development of a comprehensive master plan for the city of Newark and in the preparation of a...
AuthorLeeds, Albert B.; Gray, George R.; Meeker, F. W.
Date Created1882
DescriptionTopics covered in this 1882 report to the Newark Aqueduct Board covers water pumped from the Belleville pumping station, financial statements for the Board, inventories, statistics of consumption,...
Date Created1913
DescriptionThe contents of this volume include: suggested improvements in the City Plan; Municipal Decorative Improvements; Street Widths and Arrangement; Harbor Development; The Market Problem; Trolley...
Date Created1932
DescriptionThese are pages from a survey conducted by the New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies and the Interracial Committee of the New Jersey Conference of Social Work during the summer and fall...
Date Created1932
DescriptionThese are pages from a survey conducted by the New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies and the Interracial Committee of the New Jersey Conference of Social Work concerning the living...
Date Created1986, 1987, 1988
DescriptionThis document collects letters, reports, newsletters, and survey materials related to the enforcement of the Community Right-to-Know Program.
AuthorRising, Johan
Date Created1655
DescriptionGovernor Johan Rising of New Sweden reports to Sweden on the August 1655 Dutch attack on New Sweden's Fort Christina. The Dutch traveled from New Amsterdam (present-day New York) and easily captured...
Date Created1932
DescriptionThese are pages from a survey conducted by the Interracial Committee of the New Jersey Conference of Social Work and the New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies during the summer and fall...
Date Created1961
DescriptionMrs. Arthur Hawkins, president of the Consumers League of New Jersey, submits a statement to The Honorable B. Everett Jordan, Chairman of the Subcommittee on General Legislation and Agricultural...
Date Created1962-1965
DescriptionThis memorandum from Dick Hogarty of the New Jersey Office of Economic Opportunity, lists in chronological order the deaths of various migrant workers throughout New Jersey from 1962 to 1965. The...