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Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 1 for residence of Mr. and Mrs James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees, Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 2 of residence for Mr. And Mrs. James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees, Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 6 of residence for Mr. and Mrs. James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees, Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 5 of residence for Mr. and Mrs. James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees,Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 3 of residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees, Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1940
DescriptionBlueprint 7 of residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Rowley. Campbell Vorhees, Architect. July 8, 1940.
Date Created1933
DescriptionMap of property to be conveyed by Basking Ridge Realty Co. to Roger Lane, Basking Ridge, NJ. Kenneith A. Turner, Engineer and Surveyor. June 1933.
Date Created1941
DescriptionMap showing property of Florence E. Conkling and Katherine M. Fredericks, Basking Ridge, NJ. Kenneth A. Turner, Professional Engineer and Surveyor, Basking Ridge, NJ. November 1941.
Date Created1945
DescriptionMap of land belonging to Louis A. Melsheimer, Basking Ridge, NJ. Kenneth A. Turner, Engineer and Surveyor, Basking Ridge and Bernardsville, NJ. October 1945.
Date Created1941
DescriptionMap of property to be conveyed by Frank Happe to Clarence M. Stansbury, Basking Ridge, NJ. K.F. Stinson, surveyor. April 1941.