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Sullivan, John L.. Title page of Report, on the origin and increase of the Paterson manufactories, and the intended diversion of their waters by the Morris Canal Company: also on post rail roads, as the means of cheap conveyance throughout New-Jersey, of bringing Susquehanna coal to the iron mines and forges, and to supply Paterson and New-York: also on a method of supplying the city of New-York with water from the Great Falls of the Passaic / John L. Sullivan. Retrieved from https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T3CZ368C
MLA citation
Title page of Report, on the origin and increase of the Paterson manufactories, and the intended diversion of their waters by the Morris Canal Company: also on post rail roads, as the means of cheap conveyance throughout New-Jersey, of bringing Susquehanna coal to the iron mines and forges, and to supply Paterson and New-York: also on a method of supplying the city of New-York with water from the Great Falls of the Passaic / John L. Sullivan.RUcore: https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T3CZ368C
